Monday, June 02, 2008



Congratulations to Emmanuel Khoo of Singapore for becoming our Master Star Trader for May 2008! Coincidentally, he is also our Master Star Trader for May 2007! Truly, he is a May Master! May has never been an easy month to make big money and Emmanuel maintained his trading discipline and confidence and made a big difference. This is what you get when you stick to the Star Trading System at all cost!

Sunday, June 01, 2008


My May Trades

JBHT May25Call, Bought $2.35 on 16 April, Sold $9.60 on 5 May. 308% Profit.

DDS June20Call, Bought $2.6 on 2 May, Sold $1.55 on 8 May. 40% Loss.

MRO June50Call, Bought $2.52 on 2 May, Sold $4.40 on 13 May. 74.6% Profit.

PNRA June45Call, Bought $4.40 on 27 May, Sold $6.8 on 30 May. 54.5% Profit.

Total : 397.1% Profit